Thursday, November 19, 2015

Trying to Find the In-Betweens: What are You Going to Do?

Ever try to find your ancestors' records, only to discover that they lived in a place that changed hands, and was historically part of two or more countries, or two states or provinces? Have you got ancestors that lived in conquered places, and had to adapt to new governments?
What happens to your research then? It interrupts the research while you have to learn the new names for everything, where and when records exist, and how extract the information you need from them.

Being able to speak at least a little of six languages, and read at least twelve, I've got the tools you need to help resolve the questions you have about your Cherokee, German, Danish, Frisian, Dutch, ancestors from Schleswig-Holstein, Jewish, Silesian, and other ancestors that may have settled in a place that was conquered or traded between two or more nations. Free estimate!
"Schleswig-Holstein" by Ulamm 19:02, 5 February 2008 (UTC) - Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -

"Silesia (Now)" by Uploader on en.Wikipedia was en:User:Kelisi - en:File:HistoricSilesiamap.png. This map’s source is here (that URL has expired, successor is Planiglobe Beta), with the uploader’s modifications, and the GMT homepage says that the tools are released under the GNU General Public License.. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -